The Neosha, Reality Hacking, and the Mind

Israel Ruiz

My awareness that this world I lived in had something more than I could've known before, began when the painful and abusive of existence I had here got unbearable. This lead to my quest to leave, launching me into three suicide attempts, with the last being successful. Yet was brought back to the same shit reality.  From the ages of sixteen through 27, I decided to hold on to this death wish until I could perform my grand exit that wouldn't just be a surprise to me, but to God as well. I would trick God and reality. Pull a fast one and exit my punishment in this forsaken prison with an introduction to Terence McKenna's ode' to the mushroom experience. His rants on "5 grams of dried cubensis in silent darkness" was the most incredible thing I had ever heard of since my fascination the movie The Matrix. The main lesson I accrued from McKenna's rants was this; reality was a conglomerate of ideas and constructs set forth by individuals who had forgotten/did not know the truth of reality. Wait... is my life and everything I "know" just a lie?  What I got to experience first hand, without ANY external influences, lead me to my very own imminent "death". 
Our mind has been recording its environment since birth as a means to comprehend where the biological body is located, how to survive, thrive, be nurtured and protected, and so on. To give a little context to how our mind adapts to reality (and creates ideas/beliefs), it also has physiological mechanisms that aid in these processes. 

Some of us choose to stay asleep and play victims because it's much safer to stay in a place you recognize and is familiar rather than venture into the unknown; you cannot know if there is safety there. With so many years of subconscious programming, the human Mind has been conditioning itself to a false reality and narrative. These constructs aren't only here in this lifetime, but have been implemented from our lineages through ancestry. This is what we address when "healing the ancestral wounds". But it's so much more simpler than "healing" because, as we are realizing, its seeing the Mind as a computer that has inputs and outputs, a set structure of programs, and like a computer, has an underlying area (the subconscious/unconscious) that operates in the background so that the idea of the conscious being can experience "reality" without having to process massive amounts of data such as binary language and so on. Addressing this can seem easier said than done, but through my own experience I have concluded that it can be easy once acceptance of Self, love, and that you may have been hoodwinked, duped, bamboozled, and deceived your entire life. Most importantly: that YOU, unconsciously, did this to yourself. No one is at fault. Our parents, teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, governments and politicians, etc. had no idea and were under the same spells/programs. The difficult part is accepting and taking responsibility for ourselves, admitting that only we can change ourselves, and actually taking hold of our own reigns through deprogramming the old structures of the subconscious Mind and being VERY aware of what we now input into that area because this will determine the rest of our story in the beautiful dream we are having. 


.:The Mind As a Computer:.


Your mind generates and creates the reality you are experiencing. What and how you experience reality is solely based on your own perspective. Perspective is based on your opinions, beliefs, moral agreements, and programming. But none of these are true. Realizing this is a scenario we call "Ego Death". This is the part of the mind where the "I" or "Me" resides. It's the separation from "other" in order to create the identification of self and creates distance (Space) which inherently creates the illusion of Time. This is part of how reality comes to existence. Personally, I do not care for the idea of an ego, but rather the mind in a state called egoism. This belief in the subconscious program of separation is what allows the story of reality/the world to exist.

Human technology is an extension of consciousness and everything we create is a mirror of us and can be an aid in our self-understanding. From here forward, we’ll use the computer as an analogy to break down the different layers of the mind. (Although we’ve yet to understand consciousness or the mind lol.) 

Before that, let's look at the deep connection between the brain and the human body. Some hormones and chemicals that our bodies produce, alongside our 5 physical senses, work in a manner where safety and self-preservation are a "must". One example of this is hormone called oxytocin/alpha-hypophamine (aka "the love hormone/cuddle hormone"). Oxytocin is made in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Aside from its physiological operations, our concern here is with oxytocin's role in the brain. Oxytocin's function on the brain is very complex and we're still learning about it. It acts as a chemical messenger and is responsible for human behaviors such as trust, tribal/family connectivity (this allows a sense of security for the brain causing it to veer towards those whom share similar belief programs. We're safer in like minded groups rather than surviving alone), sexual arousal, mother-infant bonding, romantic attachments (when you're attracted to someone, dopamine is produced giving the brain the green light to approach, serotonin levels increase giving the brain a feel good experience, and oxytocin is secreted thus creating the program of "being in love"), relaxation (because there's no danger), psychological stability, and several other functions.

Now we can begin to see how the brain has been subconsciously programming itself to it's environments without any true discernments, and as Terence McKenna would say, "we can't tell shit from Shinola." Shinola was a brand of shoe polish that was dark in color. And some of us don't even want Shinola.

Back to the mind...

The CPU, or the central processing unit, is the brain itself. The RAM, or random access memory, is your conscious thoughts or short term memory and the hard drive is your long term memory. The operating system would be your subconscious mind which contains your core belief systems. Belief systems provide the framework for all the data that is processed by the computer. These beliefs create the mind’s identity of self/“Ego” and allows it to process data and experiences in a system that is predictable as it’s relating to the world. 

This operating system contains a collection of beliefs picked up from your parents, teachers, and the world around you. The combination of beliefs and your personal preferences leads to your self-identification and perception of your reality (perspective). And yet these beliefs reside in the shadowy depths, or the mystery zone, of unconscious/subconscious thoughts.

Neuroscientists believe that up to 90 percent of the mind is operating from an unconscious/subconscious level. Dwelling in those subconscious realms is the core framework of the mind that can’t be accessed through the conscious, or “thinking”, mind very easily.

::A quick analogy of our beginnings.::  

Think of the story of The Garden of Eden; the Trees are software programs (the states of Being/what "is"). We ate (downloaded) from the Tree of Knowledge (separation, identity from other, light and dark, good and evil, right and wrong, male and female, etc.). The other tree was the Tree of Life (Evolution, knowing, intuition, the whole, the polarity from the Tree of Knowledge) which we walked away from. Imagine those Trees as computer software programs, and we uploaded the software called Knowledge.

Oxford defines Knowledge as the following: noun - 1facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. 2. awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. From here, the birth of belief takes place. Oxford defines Belief as the following: noun - 1an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. 2. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. 

Ok. With this explained, we can begin to understand that knowledge and belief come from the mind and create our external reality. Our reality is based on our perception of said reality and perception is based on foundational programming of the mind and what we both consciously and our subconscious chooses to be "true". Is it possible that everything we have come to accept and believe as factual can be an illusion? Is it possible that who and what we "trusted" to be honest with us is susceptible to being incorrect and faulty? Could our lives, or our idea of life, be misconstrued and a total misunderstanding?

In some disciplines, it is stated that man was born into sin. Sin has many classifications through many societies, spiritual movements, and religions, but we will focus on it's main association; archery.

When you miss the mark, the bullseye, the target, it is called a "sin" in archery. The reason you ever land the target to begin with is because you've missed the mark/point and this is how you get good at your mark. Being born into sin means being born into a reality where we don't know the target and cannot hit it. Practice makes perfect. A practice is a discipline. This is how any work of true Art can be made. Practice is one of the Virtues. Merriam-Webster defines Virtue as the following: 1a: conformity to a standard of right. 1b: a particular moral excellence. 2: A beneficial quality or power of a thing. 3: Strength or courage/valor. 4: A commendable quality or trait/merit. 5: A capacity to act/potency... and so on. What we can gather from all of this is that Virtue is a practice/discipline with oneself and can only be achieved by knowing thyself. But in order to know thyself, you'll have to let go of what you thought/believed of "your-self"; your idea of self.

Ok, so WHAT is Self? This is THE quintessential adventure I sailed off to on my journey though the subconscious Mind. This is the "who am I?" that mattered to me first more than anything else in the "world", lol. Because if I don't know who or what I am, how can I know what questions I have about the external world, if any? Self is defined as the union of elements (i.e.; body, emotions, thoughts, sensations) that constitute the individuality and identity of a person. A person, or persona, is a character assumed by an author in a written work. It also means mask. **I know, I'm going DEEP. But this is necessary because this is only the scratching of the surface of how intricately deep the Mind and reality goes.** Shakespeare in "As you like it" wrote: 

"All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players..."  


.:Psychedelics: How They Helped Shape Mankind:. 


Ethnobotanist, mushroom philosopher, mystic, and psychonaut, Terence McKenna, hypothesized that the massive shift in human civilization that occurred 40,000 years ago can be attributed in part to magic mushrooms. Known as the Stoned Ape Hypothesis, the idea is that our human evolution was expedited as migrators consumed low doses of entheogenic mushrooms growing in the dung of cattle. Over time, the psychedelic fungi offered enhanced visual acuity and focus for hunting, empathy, group cooperation, confidence, and sex drive. Over time these factors aided humans in rapidly developing new forms of art, tools, technology, language, and social networks.

Various forms of psychedelics can be found in most tribal societies throughout the world. Administered by a guide or shaman in the contexts of spiritual ceremonies, initiative rites, to accelerate healing, or as the welcoming mat to a new shaman. Stones depicting what is believed to be psychedelic mushrooms have been discovered in Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador, tracing back to 500 B.C. and A.D. 900. Egyptian hieroglyphs appear to honor these entheogens and it is thought that the they worshipped the mushroom as the elixir of life and the living expression of the god Osiris. Druids in Ireland would hold ceremonies using the psychedelic mushroom Fly Agaric/(Amanita muscaria) to communicate with the gods and the universe while simultaneously believing that they connected us to a deep underground network that held the wisdom of the planet. Some hypothesize that this is where we get the lore of leprechauns and faeries. We can attune this to the notion that our pineal gland, or the third eye (which produces DMTis affected/opened when the mind interfaces with psychedelics while concurrently generating new neural circuits/pathways and connections in the brain. We can say that these new circuits are restructuring the brain, allowing us to "see" more than meets the eye/conscious mind.


.:Understanding & Hacking the Mainframe:.


Think about the iceberg analogy of consciousness. Better yet, let's think of a search engine on a computer. Usually, you use the “clear web” or the most readily available search results through an engine such as Bing, Yahoo, or Google (the conscious mind). But, anything that is not indexed by a search engine is considered the deep web, which is the vast majority of the internet (the subconscious mind). The vastness of the digital world extends beyond what we can see. But the deep web is always there and always accessible. Note that every time you go into your email, your bank account, or private digital records, you’re interacting with the deep web. The dark web/dark net is the rest of the internet. It isn't hidden from us at all. Accessing it requires some skill and even some knowledge of computers in order to access it. Not to mention that the government monitors anyone accessing it (interesting, huh?) for several "reasons" and without some knowledge, you may run into things that may make you uncomfortable and could even... terrify you. Journalists, "freedom" fighters, pirates, "criminals", governments, police/"authorities", the military industrial complex, and hackers use the dark web to store secret and powerful data without the fear of exposure.

Let’s look at limiting subconscious belief programs which are formed within a construct of fear from lack of knowing or understanding. Like a dormant computer virus, limiting belief systems remain hidden and yet slow down your computer processing speed and have the ability to cause the entire system to crash. Symptoms of faulty belief systems can include a persistent and never-ending dread, anxiety about the future, rumination about the past, the idea of lack or needing abundance because we're "missing" something, trauma-bonding, codependency, attention-seeking, self-sabotaging behavior, violence towards yourself or others, physical decline, a roller coaster ride of high emotions followed by intense lows, an inability to sit still or be, and a repetitive energy “crash”. 

And yet the biological animal would prefer to stay here, in a place of discomfort and repetition, even at the cost of its own wellbeing. Why? Because this psychological place is familiar. How interestingly weird is that? 

The mind naturally wants to do several things when faced with the unfamiliar belief systems: run, attack, defend, or deny. With so many years of programming, it has become attached to its false reality and narrative because without it, the Mind experiences a form of death. And it’s difficult because these constructs run deep—they weren’t only here in this lifetime, but have been passed down from our ancestral lineage. This is what we address when "healing the ancestral wounds". But we don’t have to participate in these narratives anymore. And ultimately, it’s not that we’re sick or healing because we aren’t actually broken in the first place. We just have a maladapted core processing system. If we see the mind as something more objective (like a computer that has inputs and outputs), we realize our minds are just doing what they were designed to do and we realize we actually have the power to override the old code and write a new one. 

The first step towards rewriting the code is taking responsibility for your mind. To do this would require a process coined by Carl G. Jung known as self-individuation. This is a ritual, or reprogramming, that involves a separation between yourself and your reality and an integration with your Shadow aspect (subconscious) so that you have a direct line of communication with the entirety of Mind/Self. This work is done consciously and with intention in order to create psychological balance and wellbeing. (Keep this in mind, subconscious reprogramming is also shadow work.)

So then what to do if there’s an outdated OS or faulty belief system hanging out in your subconscious mind? How do you get rid of something that cannot be consciously thought about? And how do you free yourself from the beliefs, viruses, demons, parasites, and dragons that are based in lies, delusions, and fear?

The answer: neural hacking. 

I believe that psilocybin, a Lunar and Mercurial compound, can be utilized to expedite subconscious reprogramming after an in-depth computer reset. This is where we as programmers and magicians can consciously reinvent all of reality. With low doses and clear intentions of where you’re placing your awareness, you will access the keys necessary to hack into the mainframe of the subconscious operating system. This intention can come in many forms, but I’ve discovered that pairing the microdose with self-hypnosis is extremely effective at accelerating my growth and my ability to let go of faulty and unnecessary garbage. (Off to the desktop bin!) 

According to researcher Dr. Bruce Lipton, much of our childhood belief systems were programmed because as children our brains operated primarily in a theta brain wave state. This state occurs most often between the ages 2 and 6 and is crucial for learning and forming memories. This is why children can learn languages so quickly—their neurons are operating in a state like a sponge, taking in and recording data to build a framework for understanding the world. Conversely, as adults, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn a new skill such as language because we are primarily in alpha and beta wave states when we are awake. However, according to Lipton, we still enter into theta brain wave states right before, during, and right after sleep. This might explain why sleep seems so important in retaining information and learning new skills. The idea is that you can take a recording of your own voice and play it in your headphones during this theta state as you enter sleep. Over time, this self-written program will embed itself in your subconscious mind. 

Self hypnosis, affirmations, and PRACTICE through repetition, are powerful agents that will strengthen our journey. This is what we call ritual magick. Add daily self-reprograms with one of the psilocybin microdosing protocols and you can rapidly change the state of your mind, therefore changing the state of your reality. And it’s surprisingly simple. Practice is a discipline, and discipline is another word for technique. The new practice will require you to accept yourself and the fact that you have been hoodwinked, duped, bamboozled, and deceived your entire life. Most importantly: that YOU, unconsciously, did this to yourself. 

No one is at fault. Your parents, teachers, religious and spiritual leaders, governments and politicians, etc. had no idea and were under the same spells/programs. The difficult part is actually accepting, forgiving, and taking responsibility for yourself. This is why you may have encountered self-help programs, mind hacks, spiritual gurus, or talk therapists and still found yourself exactly where you started. You need to be willing to venture into the unknown and let go of old thought forms and paradigms so they can die.

You are simply creating a scenario where you can open your mind to the present, access creativity, and reduce negative thought processes. There is incredible potential to reprogram your mind in this state and psilocybin can be an aid in setting new intentions for your subconscious mind via the new software updates. Pay attention and set intention with where you place your awareness during the dose period, including your "off" time. 

In our time on this planet has been muffled with misconceptions, illusions, and beliefs. There has always been a Being, called the shaman, who stood at the edge of Time and Space and held the occult wisdom of us and reality.


.:The Neosha As Reality Hacker:.

In human history, and in all ancient cultures, there has been a character whose role was to delve into the dark spaces of the subconscious mind. The archetype of the shaman, wizard, mystic, magician, healer, soothsayer, oracle... has always been at the epicenter of societies. While the children played in and with the world, the shaman was the one to re-center and ground reality. They tapped into the collective unconscious, traveled to other dimensions, communicated with spirits, and served as the Being that you would go to when you were sick, confused, or hurt When you began to "wake up" from the illusion, you would seek the shaman, playing psychopomp, who would guide you into the recesses of the mind. In our modern times, this process of awakening can often manifest as a form of psychosis or split from reality.

During this psycho-spiritual detoxification, the traditional shaman would've aided you in de/reprogramming yourself from the spells/software programs/beliefs. In the West, we lost this archetype to modern modes of thinking that inhibit our awakening and promote the deepening of the spells through, big pharma, religion, new age spiritualism, government propaganda of paranoia, and psychiatry. Our species has fallen asleep and become prey to the narrative of fear. We're living in the midst of the war on consciousness; where we place our awareness is where we place our power (paying attention). This has been occurring since Sumerian times where deep spell games were cast. This imbalance has soaked through the gaps of Time and Space and has been creating discord and dissonance throughout the planet, timelines, and the collective mind, up to this very moment as you read this sentence. In a way, we've been sentenced to this prison.

But a new era of shamanism is upon us, and some of us have been reincarnating again and again to continue the role of neo-shaman... the Neosha. This Being attains knowledge of the computer and its mainframe through experiences, data logging, and testing. These can be considered dimensional jumping and smuggling, timeline jumping (Time travel), communicating with aliens/demons/angels/gods/etc. (all source codes of data spread throughout the subconscious realms/timelines/dimensions). The realm of these, and the shaman, aren't as mystical as we thought and are more... well... you know... obtainable and fathomable. The shaman doesn't take part, nor ingests, society and its reality, it literally creates it. This archetype fills the roles of storyteller, elder, healer, craftsman, inventor, magician, merchant, thief, trickster, comedian, and so much more. 

.:Me and the Only Path:.

The Neosha and their stories have been selected before birth. This is not obvious, especially when you're alone in an electro-static, living, breathing, distracting metropolis like New York City. It has taken me almost 40 years to notice, comprehend, accept, and embark on the performance with Will and consciousness of it. Initiations have been plentiful, painful, and terrifying. I've biologically died three times in this physical body and endured more damage to it than I care to recall at this point. The awareness of the real story behind this realm was enough to frighten me into letting go of my dear little death wish. Talk about the truth hurts but shall set you free. Under the "Flower Moon", which was a Super moon, of May 26th, 2021 I finally let go of myself and surrendered. Israel wrestled with God long enough. I bowed my head under that moon, expressed release through silent tears and whispered "I do. I will. I surrender." Since that evening's ritual, my life has shifted very quickly. The thirst for  purpose was satiated. I began to lose my mind. I've been realizing Self. The inner and outer began to seep into itself. I've become aware of the software program called the Tree of Knowledge and forgave myself by accepting and laughing at myself.

 We can be distilled down as reality hackers. Part of groups set to break down the mind and brain and neural hack it without it having the chance to notice. Understanding it's inner structures, traveling deep into the mind's terrifyingly dark subconscious realm, stealing data as artifacts, bringing these to the surface/conscious mind. All the while maintaining one foot “here” and the other “there”. It becomes an art. Liminality. Hermes. Mercury. The in-between. We are no longer in huts, caves, jungles, or mountains where you would have to perform a lengthy and arduous pilgrimage to find one of us. We’ve entered into the era of information and the tools of the internet, social media, and your smartphones can be utilized as instruments to expand, learn, and further ourselves rather than something to promote the continuous feed psychological feeding tube of malarkey to the mind, pushing you further to deeper states of somnambulism.

The more consciousness I bring into the unconscious and the more the unconscious rises up into the conscious, the more I full awaken. The snake will have eaten its tail and will have self realized through self awareness of the unmitigated devouring of its head. 

And so... we hack


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