Blog Posts
The Neosha, Reality Hacking, and the Mind

My awareness that this world I lived in had something more than I could've known before, began when the painful and abusive of existence I had here got unbearable. This lead to my quest to leave, launching me into three suicide attempts, with the last being successful. Yet was brought back to the same shit reality. From the ages of sixteen through 27, I decided to hold on to this death wish until I could perform my grand exit that wouldn't just be a surprise to me, but to God as well. I would trick God and reality. Pull a fast one and exit my punishment in this forsaken prison with an...
Animals As Guides
Animal Guide Animal Magic Animal Spagyric Animalia Blog Posts Spirit Animal

.:Overture:. Microdosing As a Reality Hack
Blog Posts microdosing psilocybin psychedelics terence mckenna

Microdosing has been a huge topic of conversation over the past few decades. Not only in my work and personal life, but also in the medical, therapeutic, and scientific communities. From healing to nootropic use, it's becoming common to work with entheogens in barely noticeable doses. This is breaking new grounds and challenging outdated paradigms like religious, medical, pharmaceutical, and social beliefs. A new era is upon the human species. It's not only our right, but also our obligation to ourselves and the planet to undo old programs in both the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind. The plant devices that have assisted us throughout history have always been available...
Healing. Let's break this down, shall we?

I'm going in hard on this one ::cracks knuckles:: Get some snacks, grab a drink, take a deep breath, and let's go in 🧠👀🗝️ .: Healing :. Healing is the process of restoring or bringing balance to cells, systems, body, and mind after neglect, disease, injury, etc. Words are very important to me and I cannot subscribe to a one dimensional definition or explanation when there are more dimensions to be considered. In leu of this, let's look at synonyms, and their definitions, associated with healing. Repair: Often equivalent to mend, is preferred when the object is a relatively complex one that has become damaged or decayed...