Hawk Animal Guide Spagyric

Hawk Animal Guide Spagyric

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.: Hawk :.

Animal Guide Spagyric



Species: Hawk - RT (Buteo jamaicensis)

Secured: June, 2020 in Taos, NM

Parts Used: With the exception of the wings/tail feathers and skull, all parts where used

Method of Extraction:  Advanced Alchemical lab processes combining Plant, Animal, and Mineral works to achieve the secretive Animal Alchemy 

CorrespondencesMercurial, Saturnian, Temperance Tarot 

Highlights: Self procured Power, Broader perspective/bigger picture, positioned "outside the box", Keen eyesight, The practice of Faith, Eliminating distractions, Piercing through illusions, Trusting where the Wind takes us, Determination, Agility, Messenger/Messages, Vision/Visionary abilities, Clairvoyance, Creativity, Opening of the Pineal & Pituitary realms, Power to move and navigate through Air/thoughts/the Mind, Life-long partnerships/monogamy, In Kundalini work (RTH) it's the Root chakra (Saturn) and the Throat (Mercury), Expression, Logic and balancing that with Intuition, Permanent Totem rather than Spirit Guide, Learning to Trust and Value oneself, Awareness of Facts and the Truth, Freedom through Vision and Attention


 Hawks are one of nature's predators that brings awe to those who can encounter it in person and have stirred the imagination from every culture with the honor of its presence.
"Hawk" is a general term used to describe the diurnal (daytime active) order of Falconiformes which are raptors/birds of prey. As we have come to understand through the journey of Animal Guides, a general consensus  can be applied to an animal species (such as with "Hawks") but a specific one (here we will focus on RTH - the Red Tailed - ) will yield a more detailed story with its own unique correspondences that are distinct to that animal.   



RTH's nomenclature name, Buteo jamaicensis means buzzard/hawk and Jamaica - which is where it was first observed as the nominate species of RTH called the Jamaican Red Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis jamaicensis) are are widespread in Jamaica, the West Indies, the Greater and Lesser Antilles and in Puerto Rico. In Puerto Rico, the Taino word for them is guaraguao and it is where the densest population of them is found in El Yunque National Forest. This sub-species of the northern RTH defers in being smaller and feather color patterns and are very closely related. 

Back to our RTH: Woodlands, deserts, prairies, mountains, plains... they can inhabit most environments as long as their are open areas and places to perch. Populations decreased in areas where urban environments were built but they have adapted to city habitats with their numbers increasing very well.  In 1991 there was the first sighting of a RTH named Pale Male who claimed a swanky 5th Avenue co-op building as his home and successfully fathered over 30 chicks which brought a population of RTH to the New York City metropolis with many hawks spread throughout the boroughs right now. 

Of all the hawks, RTH are the most widespread across the United States. They live in their habitats year round where they are permanent residents although with a few exceptions near the central northern regions of the U.S. bordering Canada where they migrate a bit more south during winter. 

RTH stand a little over two feet in height, weigh between 1.5 and 4.5lbs with a wingspan of 4 1/2 - 5 feet in length. They have a lifespan of approximately 20 years with some examples in the wild being documented living 30 years. During these years, breeding pairs will mate for life but will quickly find another life partner if one of them dies. Females are larger than males and colors/patterns are unique to each one with the exception of the iconic red tail feathers which, as juveniles, start off brown and become red in adulthood but feather colors, generally, reflect where they are located based on environment. 

.:Breeding & Nesting:.


RTH are monogamous and will stay together unless one dies - in which biology kicks in and the cycle must continue. 

They have a complex breeding ritual that involves courtship displays and territorial behavior. The breeding season for red-tailed hawks usually begins in late winter to early spring and lasts through the summer months.

Both males and females are sexually mature around the age of three - during the breeding season, the male will begin to display territorial behavior by patrolling and defending his nesting territory. He will also begin to display courtship behaviors, such as calling out to potential mates and performing aerial displays, which can include soaring and diving and begin their beautiful rituals of making themselves seen and available by taking to the sky and performing various arial acrobatics, especially seen with males where they will also show off remarkable dives from high altitudes while the female watches. Part of this includes bringing the selected female gifts of different kills. When she has accepted him they then proceed to build a tight bond with each other through vocalization and - preening - Have you ever seen two hawks/ravens/etc. flying together, doing areal moves together where they're synchronized? Or when they groom each other? This is preeningThese behaviors help create a deep bond between a mating pair and in birds that live in social groups. -

Tightly bonded, they'll continue their rituals as long as they're together


Once this has been established, the pair begins to prepare for mating and nest building which is usually located in a tall tree or on a cliff ledge. The nest is made of sticks and lined with softer materials, such as grass or leaves. After the nest is complete, the female will lay 1-4 eggs, which are incubated for approximately 28-35 days and both will take turns incubating the eggs and hunting for food. 

Bringing the nest materials

Once the eggs hatch, the chicks are born with soft, downy feathers and are completely dependent on their parents for food and care. The parents will continue to take turns caring for the chicks, bringing them food and protecting them from predators.


Tending and incubating the eggs


The chicks require an all around the clock attention


As the chicks grow, they will begin to develop their flight feathers and practice flapping their wings. The parents will prepare their chicks to leave the nest by gradually reducing the amount of food they bring to the nest and encouraging the chicks to exercise their wings in preparation for their first flight. As the chicks grow, the parents bring them less food each day, which encourages them to develop their hunting skills and become more independent. The chicks will begin to flap their wings vigorously to strengthen their muscles and prepare for their first flight. As the chicks approach the age of fledging, which is typically around 6-7 weeks old, the parents will begin to fly closer to the nest, encouraging the chicks to follow them and practice flying short distances. This process is known as "branching". Eventually, the parents will make short flights away from the nest, tempting the chicks to follow them. This process is known as "fledging". Once the chicks are able to fly, they will leave the nest and begin to learn how to hunt for food on their own. The parents will continue to care for the fledglings for several more weeks, bringing them food and protecting them from predators, while the fledglings continue to practice their flying and hunting skills.



.:The Hunter:.


RTH's are one of the most efficient and skilled hunters in the bird world. Their hunting technique is based on their incredible speed, agility, and their unique physical features. The hawk's body is perfectly adapted for hunting, with a powerful beak, sharp talons, and large wingspan that enables it to soar through the sky with ease.

RTH typically hunts by perching on a high vantage point, such as a tree or power pole, and then scanning the surrounding area for prey. Once prey is spotted, the hawk will quickly take to the air and begin to circle above it. This circling motion allows the hawk to gain altitude and momentum before swooping down to catch the prey.

Their sharp beak and talons are its primary tools for hunting. The beak is strong and sharp, allowing the it to easily tear into the flesh of its prey. The talons are also sharp and powerful, and are used to grasp and hold the prey tightly. The hawk's talons are equipped with sharp spicules that help to keep the prey from slipping out of the hawk's grasp.

In addition to its beak and talons, the hawk's wingspan is another key feature that helps it hunt. The large wingspan allows the hawk to glide through the air effortlessly, conserving energy as it searches for prey. Its wings are also broad and powerful, enabling it to make sharp turns and sudden changes in direction while in flight. This agility is essential for catching prey that may try to evade the hawk's grasp.

RTH's eyesight is one of its most important tools when it comes to hunting. With eyes that are much more powerful than those of humans, hawks are able to see with incredible clarity from a distance of several hundred feet, which allows them to spot prey that is far away. They use their eyes to scan the surrounding area for prey while perched high up on a vantage point such as a tree or power pole. Their keen eyesight allows them to detect even the slightest movements of potential prey, such as small mammals, birds, and reptiles, from great distances. Once prey is spotted, the hawk will take to the air and begin to circle above it, keeping a watchful eye on its movements.

They also have a wider field of vision than humans, which allows them to see objects both in front of and to the side of them. This gives them an advantage in spotting potential prey as they are flying through the air. The hawk's eyes are also highly sensitive to changes in light and color, making it easier for them to spot camouflaged prey that may blend in with its surroundings.

Another unique feature of the hawk's eyesight is their ability to see ultraviolet light, which is invisible to the human eye allowing them to see certain markings and patterns on potential prey. For example, some small mammals, birds and reptiles have ultraviolet markings that are easily visible to hawks but are invisible to humans such as urine trails left by prey.

RTH's have incredibly sharp vision and are able to see with incredible clarity from a distance of several hundred feet, which allows them to spot prey that is far away. The visual acuity of a RTH is about 8x better than that of a human, meaning that they can see things that are 8x smaller than what we can see at the same distance.

One of the most remarkable features of a RTH's eyesight is their ability to see in great detail from a distance. This is due to the fact that hawks have a much higher concentration of photoreceptors in their eyes than humans which allow them to detect even the slightest movements from far away.

Another key difference between the vision of RTH and humans is that they have a wider field of vision. While humans can only see objects that are directly in front of them, RTH's are able to see objects both in front of and to the side of them. 

The RTH's talons are another tool in it's hunting arsenal.  These sharp, curved claws are capable of exerting a tremendous amount of force, allowing the hawk to grasp and hold onto its prey with ease. The talons are attached to the hawk's feet, which are covered in scales and are specially adapted for hunting.

When hunting, they will typically swoop down from above and use its talons to grab onto its prey. The talons are capable of puncturing the skin and flesh of the prey, making it easier for the it to hold onto its catch. Once the it has caught its prey, it will typically deliver a killing blow using its sharp, curved beak to sever the spinal cord or neck of the prey.

The talons are also used for defense. If threatened, the hawk will often extend its talons and use them to fend off attackers and are capable of inflicting serious injury, making them an effective deterrent against potential predators.

.:The Spiritual:.

RTH is not just a creature of the physical world, but a messenger from the spirit realm, bringing messages of guidance and wisdom. With its ability to soar high in the sky, it represents the potential for transcendence and connection to the divine.

Hawk's hunting abilities and sharp eyesight symbolize the power of perception and the ability to see beyond the surface of things. It reminds us that true understanding and knowledge come from a heightened state of awareness and the ability to see beyond the limitations of our physical senses.
The ability to step away from your own limited box of ideas, perspectives, and perceptions is daunting and oftentimes seemingly impossible because one lives in their own box of the aforementioned. RTH teaches us to trust that it's fine and safe to momentarily step out of our current selves and state of operating in order to have a clearer picture - the whole picture - without relinquishing our preconceived beliefs. 

A thought exercise: If what I believe is factual, correct, and fixed - can it be possible that if it IS so that another perspective won't harm nor damage our preconceived beliefs? If trying a new type of manner in which I cook rice can't replace how I insist it should be cooked, why not try on another leans? IS this way the ONLY way? Can there be another way or more beyond what I'm seeing? RTH allows us to remove outmoded, ridged, and limiting systems of operating that inhibit growth and expansion. 

RTH tends to veer towards being a permanent Totem Animal Guide rather than a Spirit Guide due to their monogamous nature and the fact that it's lessons are not from time to time but rather can be wise to apply it's wisdom and teaching during every waking moment of your life. These aren't cycles, they are constant. 

All of this reality/this world/this dream/this experience is Mind... The All is Mind, the Universe is Mental and every moment is a reflection of, and made possible through, one's very own Mental faculties. You're only prisons and limitations are self-imposed because this is YOUR reality, your world, and your own dream. 

Releasing the past (perspective) is possible through the work and guidance with Hawk Animal Spirit Guide. The ability to back away and observe is a powerful tool to have at your disposal and will aid in your view of others as well. We can further ourselves in the world when we can forgive ourselves and others by changing the internal dialog we have about either or. This is a practice in the virtue of Faith - I don't know how but I Trust - Not belief, but rather Trust because when the Mind believes in something (think of the word hope) it does not KNOW because knowing is certain and objective whilst belief is subjective. 

Through Faith we can further become active participants in this world of ours as opposed to something/someone else's reality (where people self-victimize and blame others). I can only be clairvoyant/clairaudient/empathic if I am clear of my own illusions. The Mind is Mercury and as such, will take the shape of the container in which it is housed. You can only be following your own path just as long as you have cleared yourself from what is not yours, such are your old modes of perceiving. 

RTH shows one that all illusions/lies are merely bite-sized

In this journey with RTH, you will kindle a relationship with your very own compass... your Intuition. When operating in such a beautiful way you'll always be lucky; in the right place at the right time with the right people doing it! Lest we forget: all things worth the time and energy require practice and discipline/technique and from here it becomes an artform. Your artform and you become the work of art that you have always been but momentarily "forgot". 

With the skill of seeing from afar, you develop an almost sixth sense to your reality, both the internal and external, where even your thoughts are secondary tools to the bigger honcho that you really are. You won't have to look for lies or ill-intentions around you, nor will you have to gamble because you'll always hit the mark. 

RTH’s iconic red feathers are correspondent to the root chakra as we all begin our paths at the base and with lead/Saturn. The black line across the red is a significant marker that only shows up with Time (♄) and with Time comes experience, growth, patience, and wisdom. When RTH is developing it doesn’t have red fEsther’s because it’s still a fledgling and hasn’t earned then. Rights of passage and other types of initiatory rites are always set in place before we come into this reality whether it be dis-ease, death, pain… Seems unfair or unreasonable but these are great lessons that, if seen through, lead to great accomplishments and an even greater wisdom because in the end, you’ve some of actual value to offer others just as the parent RTH pass down their wisdom to the offspring that make it through and survive their trials with Saturn. 

As RTH teaches bigger picture, it’s important to note it’s Mercurial qualities. The ability to move through realms is a key to note when working with this powerful ally. Just as RTH flies up to scan and see the broader perspective, so must it come down to get things moving and accomplished. RTH spends its most of its time perched on trees and posts which is the liminal space between the heavens and the Earth and in these spaces is where planning and contemplation can be had without distractions and attachments, to be able to see clearly before making any moves. As a messenger god, Mercury can bring an arsenal of perspectives and wisdom to all of the other chakras/planets/archetypes/parts of the Mind. To act swiftly and yet without haste because we can now calculate our next moves without hurry. Truly a work of art with oneself. 

To be gifted one of those feathers is a significant offering from the universe, your comrade, your own guides, or RTH itself and should be treasured dearly.