As someone who studies many sciences, have worked with different medicines from multiple traditions, I must say, this Black Seed is one of my favorite medicines.
Digestion always better with this. Used it in a bowl of hot water to clear myself before meditation and divination as well.
I find myself at a loss of words for these products. Given the space to be appreciated and observed, the effects and benefits are truly profound. To the alchemist behind making these products available, thank you. Your craftsmanship is deeply appreciated.
Just started working with the oil of copper. For sometime now I’ve been sensing a desire to bring humility, love, and courage into my heart and mind. There felt like a need to recognize and practice listening, and seeing through the lens of my heart. It has increased my awareness to many things that my own fear has prohibited me from knowing and gaining understanding and wisdom in. It has helped facilitate courage and love to flow. It has started to crack my heart wide open. The assistance that it’s offered to me is one of acceptance, understanding through love and courage to move forward and also leave things behind which are painful but necessary. I can’t even say enough amazing things about it as of now, except thank you raven for providing this medicine.
I've been working with metal Spagyrics for quite some time now, and I absolutely love the oil of Tin. My experiences with the metals have been deeply personal and transformative. While I won't share the details, as everyone’s journey is unique, I will say that it has been a magical experience.
All of the oils are exceptional. I've tried almost all the animal Spagyrics and most of the plant ones, and each has been incredible in its own way. I encourage you not to take my word for it, but to discover for yourself the magic they hold.
Love and Grace
I've been working exclusively with Gold and Tin, and it's been a beautiful combination. I've noticed a significant increase in clarity and concentration, allowing me to multitask without distraction. My overall perception has greatly improved. I can't thank you enough for making these wonderful gifts available. I'm thoroughly enjoying the process.