Species:Pituophis catenifer sayi "Bullsnake". Non-venomous native to Northern N.M. The largest/longest snake in N.America with specimens reaching almost 10'
Secured:Spring 2019 Taos, N.M.
Parts Used:Entire animal, molts, female and male specimens
Method of Extraction:Advanced Alchemical lab processes combining Plant and Mineral works to achieve the secretive Animal Alchemy
Correspondences:Lunar, Earth, Mercurial
Highlights:Transformation, Magick, Sacrifice for Secret Knowledge/Sciences, Wisdom, Binary Expression of Light and Dark, Afterlife, Immortality, Life and Death, Poison Path and Medicine, Dragon work, Left-Hand Path, Metaphysics, Trees, The Mind, Sexuality/Sex Magick, Higher States of Consciousness, Kundalini Work, Dimensional Smuggling, Addressing Old Wounds
The first batch of Serpent during its digestion period
Female Bullsnake in her beauty
The Serpent is the quintessential archetype of the prototypical symbol of the scapegoat and heretic while being honored and respected by mystics, shamans, sorcerers, and alike, because of the wisdom and teachings that it renders. The Serpent path is one of great sacrifice at any cost because of the fire inside of us from divinity wills only the achievement of self-transformation through self-realization. As the shape-shifter, the Serpent is a master at never wearing the garbs of a state of being for too long, similar to reality being in constant evolution as destruction and creation within the magnitudes of deaths and (re)births, all processes that become very apparent when we slither down the abyss of our Minds and infinity. We are in the thralls of our thoughts and beliefs as if our lives depended on them because these are what "allows us to feel" alive, safe, secure, loved, accepted, and protected, which are all identifications with the in-authentic, like obsolete skins. The Serpent cannot hold onto these old complexions since its survival and well being depend on it shedding, although not the most effortless task when you're lacking the extremities to change attire.
.: Biology :.
Serpents are in the class of Reptilia in the suborder Serpentes with well over 2,900 species which inhabit all parts of the world except for Antarctica, high mountainous regions, and the sea, although certain species, like the Sea Krait, are aquatic but do not live in the open ocean. They have been around approximately 90-100 million years and except for size and species variants, have changed very little since then. During embryonic development, a gene called the SHH gives instructions to create what called the Sonic Hedgehog protein which is essential for the production of the brain, spinal cord, eyes, and many other parts including limbs. Changes in DNA can lead this gene to overproduce, such as humans with extra fingers, to what we see now as the evolution of the Serpent, but approximately 150 million years ago, Serpents had limbs. Their eyelids, called "brilles"(Norwegian for "glasses", Spanish for "shine"), are permanently shut and transparent and are shed when molting. Unlike popular belief, Serpents do not have wet or slimy skin, instead, their skin is covered scales, made of beta-keratin, and provide protection, prevent loss of water, assist in navigation and they play different roles for specific species depending on their environments. In the middle of the human chin bone is a line of junction called the mandibular symphysis where the two sides of the jaw have fused whereas Serpents have evolved a kinetic jaw that isn't fused, allowing them to open their jaws to devour an entire prey much larger than most animals can. Because they lack limbs, their teeth are designed to secure prey and are generally curved back toward the throat to assist in bringing in prey with ease. Venomous Serpents have fangs that connect to what were salivary glands where the saliva has evolved into some of the most complex and diverse cocktails of venoms. These are comprised of proteins and peptides that cause quick inflammatory responses and are neurotoxic, causing severe pain and paralysis, another mix is hemotoxic, causing coagulopathy and hemorrhaging as well as cytotoxins/myotoxins which cause severe necrosis that prey cells cannot recover from. They lack the outer and inner ear structures that we have, rather, they have inner ear cavities called "stapes" that connect to a bone quadrant which picks up low frequencies(<600Hz) and this allows them to sense subtle vibrations with their bodies. Female Serpents are either oviparous or viviparous and while they generally leave their offspring, certain species, such as King Cobras and Pythons, do stay and brood as to keep the eggs warm and safe.
.: Mythos :.
Throughout our history on Earth, the Serpent has been pronounced in the story-telling of almost every culture, so much that it will be abbreviated here. The myths are interchangeable because they're archetypical at their core and we can begin to see the reoccurring patterns, with the only changes coming through in the aspects of cultures and time periods. A common association in the Serpent story is that of immortality because they appear to reincarnate from themselves while shedding. Sumerians spoke of the healer god, Ninazu, who had a son named Ningishzida(correspondent to Hermes) that was often depicted as either a Serpent with a man's head or having Serpents coming out of his shoulders. Ningishzida translates to "Lord of the Good Tree" and Serpents are associated with the realm of trees because, as shared within the Serer people of Africa, they hid inside of trees for shelter as they ventured into their mystical journies through the underworld and other realms. The trees watched over their bodies and kept to themselves the secrets they witnessed. The Greek god of medicine, Asclepius, was licked in his ear by a Serpent who whispered to him the secrets of healing and resurrection of the dead while another story mentions Asclepius, out of fear and misunderstanding, killing a snake with his staff and was confronted by a second Serpent who, while bringing an herb in its mouth, brought its dead friend back to life, made its way up to his staff and explained the mysteries of life medicines and how to resurrect the dead... Think of the medical symbol of the staff of Asclepius. The Egyptians had a rich collection of Serpent myths that would change from one dynasty to another causing its association to change as well but in essence, the Serpent was associated with creation, Ra, the circle of cycles as the sun would rise and set connected to death and rebirth/endings and renewals as well as enlightenment and was depicted on artworks as the uraeus cobra that rested in front of the pineal gland/third eye of an individual or god that had full attainment of the secret sciences of mass-energy space-time. This is symbolized by the Hindu depiction of Nataraja, a performance of Shiva as the Lord of the Dance where he is in the center of a circle in flames representing the mass-energy space-time also known as the material reality. He dances with a Serpent, signifying gnosis/awareness, on his right arm while his hand displays the Abhaya mudra that symbolizes fearlessness. You cannot have fear if you already KNOW. Serpents are also coiled in the mysteries of occulted/esoteric sexuality, being studied and worshipped for being keys to the unlocking of the divine higher sexual nature through mental and physical disciplines that some call sex magick. This practice heals the Mind and body, realign our energy centers into balance, rejuvenate aged, damaged, and resurrect dead cells, changes your perception of reality, alters the Mind to its authentic state of being causing it to disassociate from the identity of the material and the afflictions that come with this belief. It is the realization of your immortal being.
.: Mystique :.
The Serpent is the one that made the ultimate offering of its limbs, much like the Odin myth, as a sacrificial exchange for awareness of truth, access to higher sciences, and wisdom, and the limbs can be translated into behavioral/emotional patterns, schemas, perceptions, ideas, beliefs, addictions, habits, and material possessions. And the release of these creates a state of complete awareness that brings us into the state of bliss. This sacrifice must be something dear or important to us and in doing so will lead one into the Serpentine path. This path allows us to see the obstructions of how we view life both inside and out, accept what we thought was, be grateful for their purpose in that time of our lives, promoting healing and non-attachment where we can further our growth and development. The relationships with ourselves, sexuality, families, friends, partners, government, religion, and our environment are a limited and direct manifestation of how and why we're seeing things. The Serpentine path repositions us so that we can take full responsibility for what we have created and allow the beginnings of self-individuation. The Serpent relies on experiencing things for what they are, making it the successful hunter and survivor even though it has poor vision, has no arms or legs, relying purely on intuition, its senses, and adapting to what is before it; to observe the movements of the dancer in your presence, to learn and then dance with it. The only way to tap into the stream of Gnosis/Intuition is by first letting go of the ideas of the past and accepting everything for what it is, not as you THINK it is. This is how the Serpent became the most revered animal in our history, by doing what is already innate in us. This can be very unnerving and feel threatening because it's us in the presence of ourselves and what we have believed to be ourselves now comes into question. Man has praised the Serpent for its affinity to navigate between the realms of life and death during its shedding phase, as their eyes cloud over indicating their traversing between these dimensions, and is something we can learn to do by training ourselves to be still and observant as the one who watches but doesn't give into thought, no desires, and doesn't pull or push on reality. In stillness and allowing the things that no longer serve us to be brought to our awareness, to observe and release is key to this path being only as difficult as you make it to be, and within these trying times, the energy and wisdom of a Serpent is one tool and method that will facilitate the stage where we can exalt from our reactional, limiting and unskilled childish behaviors to remember what we are.
.: Potion :.
Because of their flexibility and correspondence to the skeletal system, the qualities of Serpent in the body addresses stiffness such as arthritis, their qualities move very quickly throughout the body and cell walls and when used with other treatments, it will push it further into the body and move the issue quickly out of the body. Shedding reflects its qualities to heal and balance the skin from acne, sores, burns, scars, and inflammation. In traditional Chinese medicine, the shed skin and gallbladder are usually used, where the gallbladder's bile is also used in the treatment of various acnes, whooping cough, appetite stimulant, hemorrhoids, skin allergies, child convulsions, and gallbladder issues. From shared experiences with the Serpent Animal Guide Spagyric, it alleviates back/spine/nerve issues, stiffness, and posture. This, as well as all of the Animal Guides, makes itself present in the dream realm, promoting lucid/vivid dream states that vary from person to person. Remember, your experience is very personal and while are all on our own journies, the stories you witness of others and their experiences with the Animal Guides should not be used to create expectations of any sort, nor should you have expectations of your reality.
Serpent Digestion of Scales
.: Culmination :.
It's now the time to take full responsibility for ourselves, stop blaming and manipulating others, forgive and forget, change the spectrum of our perspectives, and venture onward into a new realm of infinite possibilities. This work with Serpent has opened my eyes and the Mind to what was, what wasn’t/what is and isn’t, so that I may continue to freely participate in this beautiful story that I, the author/narrator/protagonist/antagonist/improviser/and audience, have been part of from the moment I walked out of Eden to play the game of Knowledge of duality. If you made it this far, then something is resonating... a mirror reflecting back a higher awareness. Perhaps this hide-and-seek game you've played with yourself is overdue for a good shed.
I've been working with metal Spagyrics for quite some time now, and I absolutely love the oil of Tin. My experiences with the metals have been deeply personal and transformative. While I won't share the details, as everyone’s journey is unique, I will say that it has been a magical experience.
All of the oils are exceptional. I've tried almost all the animal Spagyrics and most of the plant ones, and each has been incredible in its own way. I encourage you not to take my word for it, but to discover for yourself the magic they hold.
I've been working exclusively with Gold and Tin, and it's been a beautiful combination. I've noticed a significant increase in clarity and concentration, allowing me to multitask without distraction. My overall perception has greatly improved. I can't thank you enough for making these wonderful gifts available. I'm thoroughly enjoying the process.
im 2 days in to using this quintessence, and its helped me so much already by helping me get to sleep sooner, have vivid dreams, and better dream recall. Looking forward to see if it helps during meditations!
I have waited several weeks to write a review because I wanted to give the hawk medicine time to integrate. Initially, I took a full dropper and was blasted off! I felt so ungrounded and uncomfortable! Clearly hawk was trying to tell me something… SLOW DOWN. I have since been taking 3-5 drops in the morning before starting work. I use the medicine about 3-4 days a week. Slowing down and being more intentional with everything has been the loudest from hawk. The expansion that I feel in my day to day schedule has been profound. Another thing to note, is the that my husband and I have recently exited a year long, very challenging portal. When I started the hawk medicine I had no idea that one of the attributes is working with monogamy & partnership. I truly feel that hawk came in at the right time to help me appreciate all that I have been through with my partner and the growth I have experienced through that rocky time. Overall, I feel like I am on the outside looking into my life. My internal and external environment has been simplified and I couldn’t be more grateful for the teachings.
Thank you Raven & Hawk
This made me feel good . I don’t know what the dosage is supposed to be but I put some drops in my tea and it makes me feel good during the day. I’ve had health problems for decades so this helped me feel better